Foster An Animal
Our Foster Program
When you foster, an animal will enter your home quite often after having hit the absolute lowest point in their lives. Often, they were just minutes away from being put to death, having had spent days/weeks/months in a shelter or pound or having lived in a home that no longer loved them or cared for them properly.
When they arrive, they are scared and confused. Many have intestinal parasites, have usually had poor nutrition, sometimes have illnesses or other conditions, and almost always smell bad. Very often, these are dogs that have not had any time invested in them, so being the center of attention, having rules to live by and living in the house are new experiences.
Through it all, though, there are very few experiences more delightful and rewarding than to see one of these animals light up as they realize that they get quality food, in a bowl, every single day. The joy they express when they get to sleep INSIDE, or curl next to you in the family room, or follow you from room to room shows in their eyes and the big, goofy grins on their faces. You will be amazed as you watch the transformations as your foster begins to feel healthier, secure and safe. They are anxious to please and work hard to learn the rules of living in the house. And... they love you.
Fostering animals is one of the most rewarding and difficult jobs for animal lovers. It is rewarding because you are actually saving a life and giving an animal a second chance at having a family. Many animals need that loving touch or caring person or even just a warm, comfortable home. The difficult part comes when it is time to say goodbye. Part of your heart goes with them. You are consoled because you know they now have a wonderful home and you are free to help the next animal that needs you.
Many of our dogs live in foster homes until a permanent home that meets our high standards is found. Many cats and dogs that need medical attention are also kept in foster homes. They are able to receive the training, care and most of all, love that they deserve. This means that our animals are never euthanized for lack of space or interest. It may take months to find a home for a pet, but that pet has a loving, temporary home with our volunteer as long as necessary. Foster homes are registered with a coordinator and a list of animals is posted for the public. The animals are brought to the center for appointments in an effort to find them appropriate, loving homes.
Fosters are provided with the tools needed to care for the animals. That includes food, litter pans, crates, toys, etc. We try to make it as easy as possible so we have more homes to save more lives. We require your personal animals be spayed/neutered and up to date on vaccines as well as flea and heartworm prevention. Please contact if you are interested in fostering. You can fill out a DOG foster application here or a CAT foster application here if you would like to help save a life.
Won't you consider becoming a foster?

Together, we CAN make a difference!