How You Can Help
Support Our Cause
Together, we make a difference in the lives of animals. Adopt-A-Pet needs you to help with this important mission. The animals who find us don’t have a voice and can’t help themselves. There are several ways you can help, whether it's giving your time, resources or a monetary donation. It all helps!
Throw Us a Bone

Did You Know?
We operate strictly through donations. Adopt-A-Pet, Inc.
receives no government or county funding.
You may call our center to donate or mail your check or money order to:
Adopt-A-Pet, Inc.
13575 N Fenton Rd
Fenton, MI 48430

Bottle/Can Drive
Don't like the mess? Drop your bottles/cans off at our center in Fenton and we will gladly take them back to raise money for the animals! It helps immensely if they come to us presorted - cans in one bag, plastic in one bag, and bottles in boxes.
This has become one of our larger sources of income for the animals. This helps with much-needed "additional" medical procedures such as specialty surgeries, treatment for kennel cough, eye infections, dental cleanings, etc. Please keep those bottles and cans coming!
Sponsor an Animal
Adopt-A-Pet’s mission is to find each animal a loving forever home where they will enjoy life to its fullest. However, some of our animals come to us with medical or social conditions that prolong their stay here or make it harder for them to be adopted. We never turn our back on these animals. Rather, we strive to give them all the love in our hearts. While we have an endless amount of love to share, money is often in short supply.
Adopt-A-Pet asks those of you who cannot bring a pet into your homes at this time or for those whose homes are already filled with dogs and cats to please consider sponsoring one of our long-term animals. Sponsorship can be a one-time donation or a monthly one. Either way, you will be helping Adopt-A-Pet provide for lovable companion animals who can really use your support.
To sponsor an animal, please call Adopt-A-Pet at (810) 629-0723.
You may also send a check to: Adopt-A-Pet
13575 N. Fenton Road
Fenton, MI 48430
Or by clicking on "Throw Us a Bone!" button located at the upper right
side of this page.
Kroger Points
Sign up with Kroger to have Adopt-A-Pet be your charity of choice and Adopt-A-Pet will receive money when you shop for your groceries!
Online Gifting Sites
When people use the search engine legitimately and designate Adopt-A-Pet as the charity of choice, each search will earn Adopt-A-Pet money. Make sure that you are selecting Adopt-A-Pet - Fenton in the charity selection box.
When people visit they can give a BarkBox or a gift card to Adopt-A-Pet, Inc. to give the animals new toys and treats.
Amazon Wish List
Shop for our exact needs using the Amazon Wish List at
Our volunteers are the heart and soul of Adopt-A-Pet. Most work directly with the animals by walking dogs, grooming animals and general socialization. Some transport animals to events, vet offices or pick up animals from other overcrowded shelters, etc. While other volunteers assist with fundraising activities, picking up food donations, working special events, office work and cleaning. Adopt-A-Pet could not exist without all of the amazing volunteers who give their hearts and souls for the animals.
Volunteering for an animal shelter is not all fun. It’s also hard, tedious, messy and sometimes smelly work - but without those things done well, the animals would not be as happy or healthy. Happy, healthy animals is what we’re all about! Seeing those healthy animals is the rewarding part of volunteering. Ask any of the existing volunteers and they will tell you how much they love it!
For more information on volunteering, and to see our Volunteer Policies and Procedures, please download our Volunteer Packet here. We appreciate your time and effort.
In Honor/In Memory Donations
In Honor/In Memory Donations are personalized ways for you to pay tribute to or acknowledge a special person, pet, occasion or event and help Adopt-A-Pet continue to help animals in need.
In Honor Donations are a wonderful way to celebrate special occasions or events like birthdays, anniversaries and weddings. An In Honor gift is also a great way to express everyday appreciation or thanks. The recipient of your gift will receive an appropriate card announcing that an “In Honor” donation has been made to Adopt-A-Pet with your name.
In Memory Donations are a meaningful way to commemorate the life of a beloved family member, special friend or dearly loved pet. The recipient of your gift will receive a card announcing that an “In Memory” donation has been made to Adopt-A-Pet with the name of the deceased and your name.
You will receive a duplicate card in acknowledgment of your gift. Your gift is tax deductible (no reference to the dollar amount appears on any thank you cards).
To arrange for one of these gifts we just need:
Your name, address, contact number, payment method, donation amount and for an...
In Honor Donation - the reason for the honor, name and address of the recipient
In Memory Donation - the name of the deceased, name and address of the recipient
Information can be provided in any of the following forms:
U.S. Mail - Send your request to: Adopt-A-Pet, Inc.
13575 N. Fenton Road
Fenton, MI 48430
Email - Email with "In Honor/In Memory Donation" in the subject box and your request for information in the message
Phone - (810) 629-0723
You may make your memorial donation by any of the following:
Call our center at (810) 629-0723 and we will send you a link so that you may fill out your credit card information yourself or we can do it for you over the phone.
Venmo to @aap2022 with a full description.
Donate through our Donate button on our website. This doesn't allow you to leave a description so you will need to email all the information to